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LiDAR Sensor

LiDAR Sensor

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Economic Laser Scanning Radar Sensing Range 5m-10m|2D TOF LiDAR Sensor|DADISICKEconomic Laser Scanning Radar Sensing Range 5m-10m|2D TOF LiDAR Sensor|DADISICKLD-05H Series|LD-05HN, LD-05HP, LD-10HN, LD-10HPEconomic Laser Scanning Radar sensing range 5m-10m
100 m Measurement Safety|Laser Scanning Radar|Discontinued100 m Measurement Safety|Laser Scanning Radar|DiscontinuedLD-100RLD-100R is mainly designed for reflector-based AGV navigation, also used for scene measurement applications.
50 m 270° TOF 2D Single-Line LiDAR Sensor | EMC Active Interference Suppression Technology | Discontinued50 m 270° TOF 2D Single-Line LiDAR Sensor | EMC Active Interference Suppression Technology | DiscontinuedLD-50G SeriesThe LD-50G model belongs to the 2D single-line lidar. Based on the DTOF ranging principle.