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In May 2019, DADISICK organized a team building event for its employees at Qingquan Bay.


In May 2019, DADISICK organized a team building event for its employees at Qingquan Bay.

May 3,2019
To further enhance the cohesion of young workers improve their job satisfaction, enrich their leisure cultural life, and better stimulate their work enthusiasm, DADISICK organized a team building event at Qingquan Bay. Through a variety of team cooperation games and challenges, we aimed to strengthen the employees' sense of collaboration and team spirit. Additionally, we provided a relaxed and recreational environment for the employees to fully enjoy the beauty of nature and engage in outdoor activities. 

In May 2019, DADISICK organized a team building event at Qingquan Bay. This event not only enhanced the cohesion of our company's big family but also fostered better communication among employees, enlivening the company atmosphere and strengthening our corporate culture. Furthermore, it boosted the morale of young workers, who are committed to shouldering the responsibility of driving the company's development. The future looks promising, and we will live up to the best years of our lives by radiating our enthusiasm and dedication in our respective roles.
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