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DADISICK participated in the Chongqing Lijia International Intelligent Equipment Exhibition in May 2021


DADISICK participated in the Chongqing Lijia International Intelligent Equipment Exhibition in May 2021

May 26,2021
During this exhibition, DADISICK successfully transitioned from trade cooperation to capital cooperation. Through face-to-face communication and interaction with customers, distributors, and other businesses, it stimulated the development ideas of our company, gained a detailed understanding of the market for enterprise products, expanded our customer base, increased channels, enhanced competitiveness among peers, and potentially achieved capital or technological cooperation for a specific product or technology.
 During this exhibition, DADISICK made a significant stride by transitioning from trade cooperation to capital cooperation. Through direct engagement with customers, distributors, and other businesses, we gleaned valuable insights into market dynamics and development opportunities. This enabled us to expand our customer base, diversify distribution channels, and enhance competitiveness within the industry.
 Furthermore, our face-to-face interactions facilitated the exploration of potential capital or technological collaborations for specific products or technologies. By leveraging the exhibition platform, we effectively communicated our development ideas and strategic vision, laying the groundwork for future partnerships and alliances. This shift towards capital cooperation marks a strategic evolution for DADISICK, positioning us for sustained growth and innovation in the marketplace.
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