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Application Case | A Case Study on Implementing Safety Mat Technology to Improve Industrial Safety

Application Case | A Case Study on Implementing Safety Mat Technology to Improve Industrial Safety

Aug 7,2024
Background of Safety Mat Application
Safety of equipment and personnel is of the utmost importance. In particular, in situations involving high-speed machinery, any lack of attention or care can result in significant safety issues. Our client is a prominent manufacturing company with a specialization in the production of high-precision electronic components. Given the high degree of automation in the production line, preventing accidental touches and mechanical failures has become a top priority. In light of these considerations, we implemented safety map technology with the objective of enhancing the safety and reliability of the production line.
Safety Carpet Project Requirements
It is of the utmost importance for manufacturing companies to adhere to the highest standards of safety for their production lines. First and foremost, it is imperative to safeguard operators from inadvertently coming into contact with high-speed mechanical equipment during their daily operations. Secondly, it is essential to guarantee that, in the event of equipment malfunction, it can be promptly deactivated to prevent further damage. Furthermore, the production environment is characterised by high temperatures and high humidity, therefore the safety device must demonstrate good environmental adaptability and stability.
Safety Mat Sensor Solution Design
Safety Mat
Following an exhaustive examination of the requirements, we selected a mechanical safety mat as the primary safety device. This type of safety map is designed to provide a fast response time and high reliability, enabling it to detect a entry of certain areas and trigger a stop signal in milliseconds. Please find the specific technical parameters below:
Response time: 13 ms
Thickness: 11 mm
Mounting: fixed directly to critical area.
To ensure efficient system integration, we have designed the safety carpet connected to the PLC controller via a standard industrial interface. Upon activation of the safety mat sensor, the PLC will promptly issue a stop command. At the same time, we developed the requisite control logic to ensure that the subsequent operation can be carried out smoothly and to prevent misoperation.
DT11 series|PVC safety Mats|DADISICK
Detection method: pressure sensing method
Maximum allowable dynamic load: impact load<200kg/cm²
PVC anti slip surface layer: anti slip grade R9
Encapsulation and Surface Protection: PVC

Safety Mats and associated Safety Relays form a Control Area. Each control unit can be a Safety Mat or multiple Safety Mats can be
can be connected in series to form a control area. Up to 6 Safety Mats can be connected in series. However, the maximum control area must not exceed 6 square meters.
Safety Mat
Safety Mat Switch Implementation Process
In order to ensure the smoothest implementation process possible, we conducted a detailed installation study and selected the parts of the production line where accidents are most likely to occur for the installation of the safety mat sensor. During the installation process, we adhere to the design specifications to guarantee that each safety mat switch location can effectively encompass the hazardous area.
During the debugging stage, we conducted comprehensive tests on each installed safety mat, including trigger sensitivity tests, response time tests, and so on. All test results met the design requirements and demonstrated consistent performance in multiple repeated tests.
To provide additional assurance of the safety contacts' reliability, comprehensive functional and safety tests were conducted. In simulated fault conditions, the contactor was able to respond and trigger a shutdown in a timely manner, demonstrating its reliability even under extreme circumstances.
Safety Mat Project Results
Following the implementation and testing phases, the safety mat has demonstrably enhanced the safety performance of the production line. Please find a summary of the results below.
1. The implementation of the safety mat has resulted in an improvement in safety performance. The accident rate has been reduced by 80%, effectively avoiding injuries to personnel and damage to equipment.
2. Improved operational efficiency: The high efficiency of the safety mat resulted in a significant reduction in production line downtime and an overall efficiency increase of 15%.
3. We are pleased to share feedback from users: The new safety measures were well received by operators, who found them easy to operate and highly reliable.
Summary of Experience
The following outcomes were achieved through this project:
1.When selecting the location for the safety mat, it is essential to consider the full range of movement of the operator and the operational requirements of the equipment.
2.During the commissioning process, it is essential to conduct a series of repetitive tests to guarantee the stability and reliability of the system.
3.Conduct comprehensive testing, including not only functional tests but also safety tests under extreme conditions, to verify the reliability of the equipment.
Furthermore, we have put forward suggestions for improvement, such as optimising the sensitivity of the safety mat to adapt to more complex production environments.
The implementation of this project has demonstrated the effectiveness of the safety mat technology in enhancing the safety and operational efficiency of the production line. This not only ensures operator safety but also effectively reduces equipment damage and downtime, which are both important considerations for any business. Going forward, our focus will remain on the advancement of safety technology and the expansion of its applications. This will enable us to offer customers enhanced safety and operational efficiency solutions.
Hot Selling Safety Mat and Safety Relay
DT14 series|Rubber Hybrid Safety Mats|DADISICK
Safety carpet is a technology that monitors the pressure distribution on the carpet through pressure sensing.
DT15 series|Rubber Safety Mats|DADISICK
Safety carpet is a technology that monitors the pressure distribution on the carpet through pressure sensing.
DT11 series|PVC safety Mats|DADISICK
Safety carpet is a technology that monitors the pressure distribution on the carpet through pressure sensing.
Safety Relay Ter-A
safety relay for Dadisick Safety Light Curtains

DADISICK has always been committed to high-end security sensor products, focusing on technological research and development and product innovation. Our products are widely used in industries such as automation equipment, mechanical manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and electronics manufacturing, helping to reduce the rate of industrial accidents and ensure employee safety. We continue to introduce new products that meet market demands, providing support for enterprise safety production.

*Replacement Services:In a highly competitive market, businesses need to continually improve their products to maintain market share. We provide safety sensor replacement services.

*Improving or adjusting product lines:When a company enters new markets or shifts focus, it may need to refine its product line. We offer safety sensor products and technical support for this transition.

*Automation IndustryMonitor equipment operation status, promptly halt or adjust machine actions to ensure production process safety.

*Mechanical ManufacturingMonitor mechanical motion components, prevent potential hazards, safeguard employee safety and production line smooth operation.

*Automotive ManufacturingSafety monitor high-risk processes on vehicle assembly lines, enhance worker safety and production efficiency.

*Chemical IndustryReal-time monitoring of production environment, ensure safety in handling toxic and hazardous substances.

*Food and Beverage IndustryMonitor production line equipment operation, prevent food contamination and waste.

*Logistics and WarehousingUsed for AGV navigation and obstacle avoidance, ensure safe transportation of goods.

*Wood Processing, Textile, Papermaking, Printing, Rubber, and Plastic industries, among others, safety sensors are used to monitor various production processes, ensuring safety and efficiency.